Management Policy


Quality, Environment, Energy and Occupational Health and Safety will be managed through an Integrated Management System, which is audited and reviewed following the principle of continuous improvement.

HEROGRA Group companies assume responsibility for providing all the necessary means and materials, machinery, tools and equipment for the manufacture and control of their products, so that the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders are met, and the applicable legal and regulatory and management requirements (Quality, Environmental, Energy Management and Occupational Health and Safety) are complied with, as well as the requirements undertaken in terms of prevention of major accidents, applying the most restrictive regulations at any time, and the requirements undertaken by the implementation of the UNE 142500: 2017 standard on inputs to be used in organic plant production. These resources also include human resources and expertise, as well as technological and financial resources.

HEROGRA Group will appoint the appropriate staff to each role and job position, and will provide this staff with the necessary ongoing information and training in order to optimize the professional level of their activities.

HEROGRA Group wants to contribute to environment protection through active collaboration with organizations and other entities, promoting the optimization of the use of fertilizers as part of a sustainable and rationalized agriculture. It will also set up the necessary mechanisms for the prevention of pollution, improving equipment and manufacturing processes.

With this objective, HEROGRA Group has implemented the requirements of the 142500:2017 standard on inputs to be used in organic plant production, taking the necessary measures to comply with the requirements in its facilities, processes, purchasing and packaging.

HEROGRA Group management is committed to achieving improved energy performance by undertaking the following commitments:

– Undertaking the commitment to continuously improve energy performance.

– Promoting the coherent use of energy within HEROGRA Group using energy saving techniques in its facilities.

– Communicating the energy policy to professionals and making it public externally.

– Providing the reference framework for setting and reviewing the energy objectives and targets.

– Implementing new technologies and improving the existing technologies to consume energy more efficiently in the facilities.

– Complying with applicable energy regulations at any time and, as far as possible, anticipate future legislation.

– Supporting the purchase of energy efficient products and services and energy design in order to improve energy efficiency.

– Reducing HEROGRA Group energy consumption in its facilities.

HEROGRA Group provides safe and healthy working conditions in its aim to prevent injuries and deterioration of health. The Health and Safety Committee of HEROGRA Group guarantees the participation and consultation of workers in health and safety issues and undertake the commitment to work towards eliminating hazards and reducing health and safety risks through the Management System and the External Prevention Service.

The risks inherent to incidents, accidents and major accidents involving hazardous substances shall be identified and assessed in order to control them.

All modifications to existing or new facilities or storage facilities are analyzed and assessed to eliminate, reduce, control or mitigate major accident hazards.

Incidents, accidents and major accidents will be investigated to prevent future occurrences and corrective actions will be followed up. A Self-Protection Plan will also be set up to deal with emergency situations.

HEROGRA Group fully supports this policy, committing itself to offer only high quality products to its customers. To this end, the necessary technical and human resources to ensure this quality will be applied, as well as to minimize the environmental impact of its products.

Operating procedures and instructions will be adopted and applied for the safe operation and maintenance of the facilities.

The vocation for progress of HEROGRA Group companies manifests through the continuous training of personnel in the areas of Quality, Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety, and the prevention of major accidents.

It is the responsibility of HEROGRA Group management to preserve and promote the principles set out in this policy. However, the line management is responsible for Quality, Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety and prevention of major accidents, and each person must be aware of their own responsibility.

This management policy document has a double internal and external role. On the one hand, it aims to make all employees of HEROGRA Group companies aware of the commitment made by the company and their obligation to engage in it. On the other hand, it is intended to serve as a channel to inform relevant sectors of society of the general intentions that frame our Quality, Environmental, Energy and Occupational Health and Safety management. The policy should be accessible to the public, known and adopted by all employees of the company.

Based on this policy, management approves the objectives and goals for the organization on an annual basis in order to set up the organization lines of improvement for that period.

In Granada, on the 1st September 2022.

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